Texas Fish Report

The Virginias are still producing some really nice Rainbows

by Kens Sporting Goods Staff

The Virginias are still producing some really nice 3 to 4 pound rainbows as well as lots of native brookies. Bait anglers are using pinched crawlers and mice tails while lure anglers are going with mini jigs, Thomas Bouyants and Kastmasters. Fly anglers can try beetles and ants on top as well as mini leeches, wooly buggers and soft hackles underneath.    

More Reports

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Monday, July 11th, 2022
East Walker River (CA): The East is flowing at about 84cfs today
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: Mixed Reports from Sceirine Ranch
Bridgeport Reservoir: Bridgeport Reservori Fishing Report
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): The Twins seems have picked up a bit with
West Walker River (CA): We’ve had a few decent reports from the West this week
Bridgeport Fishing Report

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, June 26th, 2022
East Walker River (CA): The East is running about 110 cfs today
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: We haven’t had any reports back lately
Bridgeport Reservoir: The reservoir fished pretty well earlier in the week
Kirman Lake: We had a couple good reports from Kirman this week
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): Most of the fish are fairly deep
West Walker River (CA): The West has been fishing fairly well
Virginia Lakes: Lots of pan sized brookies and rainbows lately
Ken's Sporting Goods Fishing Report