Texas Fish Report

Mixed Reports from Sceirine Ranch

by Kens Sporting Goods Staff

The reports we’ve received from the ranch have also been mixed with some anglers not doing well at all while others have done very well. One angler reported having a great day over the weekend, catching fish all day long on dries with some of the fish pushing the 20” mark. The same patterns that have been working on the Cali side seem to also be doing the trick on the ranch. It sounds like the shady areas are the best to fish, overhanging willows and undercut banks where the fish have a little comfort from the sun.      

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The East is flowing at about 84cfs today, the temperatures are hanging in there and still in the 60’s for...... Read More

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, June 26th, 2022
East Walker River (CA): The East is running about 110 cfs today
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: We haven’t had any reports back lately
Bridgeport Reservoir: The reservoir fished pretty well earlier in the week
Kirman Lake: We had a couple good reports from Kirman this week
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): Most of the fish are fairly deep
West Walker River (CA): The West has been fishing fairly well
Virginia Lakes: Lots of pan sized brookies and rainbows lately
Ken's Sporting Goods Fishing Report