Texas Fish Report
Angler Update
by Kens Sporting Goods Staff
We did get one report this week from Big Virginia, the angler sent us a message saying they have made one or two passes from Little V to Big V with the blowers so it was a fairly easy hike to get to Big V. There was 3 to 5 feet of compacted snow on top of the ice and he needed an extension on his auger to get all the way through to the water. He was able to catch and release 25 fish in about 3 hours, mostly in the 14 to 16 inch range but a few were pushing 24”. Most of the fish were caught on tube jigs with a few on crawlers. He seemed to think the ice/snow was melting fast so it shouldn’t be too long for those lakes to be ice free. Many thanks to that angler for passing on this information!