Texas Fish Report
The Twins Have Been Kicking Out Lots of Nice Fish
by Kens Sporting Goods Staff
The Twins have been kicking out lots of nice fish this past couple weeks, trolling has been good as well as bait fishing. There has been quite a few nice rainbows in the 3 to 7 pound range as well as some good browns from 3 to 5 pounds being caught. There are lots of anglers releasing these nice browns so they can keep growing which is really great to see. Trollers are having success with Thomas Bouyants, Rapalas and Kastmasters, bait anglers are using inflated crawlers, mice tails and pinched crawlers. We haven’t talked to any fly anglers lately but you should be able to do well with wooly buggers, seal buggers and matukas with soft hackle or zug bug droppers.